[EN] Alliance & Diplomacy

Pour tout contacté Diplomatique / For any diplomatic contact
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Rang 10
Rang 10
Messages : 620
Inscription : dim. nov. 29, 2020 5:24 pm
Localisation : In the Verse
Handle RSI : ussmarines
Been thanked : 2 times
Contact :


We are open to all discussions / project presentations regardless of the style of play of the people who contact us, whether they are Paramilitaries, Traders, Carriers, Pirates, UEE Affiliates or not.

Sibylla is not Pro-UEE, we defend human interests, but we do not always agree with certain decisions of the Empire.

We are open to any contact with alien species as long as it does not pose a threat to humanity.

We attack on sight all Vanduul clans and entities that we consider hostile to humanity.

For any diplomatic contact, please go through our Discord provided for this purpose.

A private embassy between our diplomats and yours will be created, you will also be asked to present your Organization/Alliance and present your intentions towards us.

If you have any questions, feel free to create a topic in this category or contact a diplomat by PM.